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Written by Syed Ali (Bear) who lives and works in East Yorkshire, UK doing various random things. Who also will, at some point, make this blog look nice. You should follow them on instagram.

See the CV that Chris Talbot referenced

Give me fuel, give me fire, give me slides which I desire.

See the talk by the other Syed Ali

Got a question about the talk?

  1. June 03, 2020

    Many self-help books, blogs, motivational speakers, and successful people always talk about how we all have the same 24 hours in a day. But are those 24 hours the same?

  2. May 21, 2020

    The internet is full of advertisements which on its own isn't a bad thing. Full screen takeover ads and under the table deals are a different story. How did we get here?

  3. May 03, 2020

    Pitchfork mentality is rife through the internet, causing real harm.

  4. April 28, 2020

    A look into my ideas about the world of teaching, and lessons I've learnt about it.

  5. April 25, 2020

    I've added comments. These are My thoughts on the comments section of the internet.